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Soong Guan Theng

ID: 18303


Date of Birth: 1st October 1994

Hometown: Gopeng, Perak.

Dominant Personality: Melancholy

Hobbies: Trying new things, Korean Pop fan, reading

Role: Chairperson

"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs."-Dhirubhai Ambani.


As the leader of the group, I always make sure that our task is on track so that we can achieve the milestones that is set before the project started. I am also responsible for arranging the task and ensure that everyone has the comparative weightage of task. Apart from having meeting, I will also approach my teammates personally to find out the problems they are facing. Of course I am also contributing 15 questions of different level of difficulty to the board game. I, along with Aman, together design and make the box for our game. Apart from that, I am also the webmaster of this website. Hope your visit to our website is worthwhile. 


This project indeed the heaviest I ever had in UTP. Honestly I never did a game, a website, a video etc. in single project. However, I love challenges. I believe that by the end of this project I will be able to learn more things compared to any of the projects before. I learn how to deal with new teammates. I learn how to catch up with deadline. I learn how to make a website. All these things won't happen if I just concentrate on study and get good grades. Lastly, I would like to thank my awesome teammates that are always giving their best commitment for the betterment of team.



I tried to avoid lengthy calculation and include questions that needs high level thinking so that the duration of the game can be reduced to acceptable length. As required by the project, I related all 3 subjects in 1 questions by giving priority to relate KRD and CPDIC whlile adding safety features from PSLP


KRD – I was hanuted by words of seniors whereby this subject is super duper difficult as compared to the previous subjects. Despite, I found this subject interesting after I read the notes. It is complex yet challenging. I love those questions that ask us to find mistakes from the solution. It not only tests our knowledge of the subject but also teaches us how to find mistakes from our solutions.



CPDIC – This subject requires logical thinking more than knowledge itself. It involves the combination of mathematics calculation and also engineering problems. The key to score this subject is understanding, not memorizing. You can never predict what questions will come out sue to its wide scope. I will pay more attention in order to score this course



PSLP – Personally, I like the teaching style of Dr Zul who concentrate on hands on rather than theory. This subject involves hundreds of formulas and values. Practice makes perfect. I understand more by doing the questions compared just reading the lecture notes. 



KRD -  I always hope that we will have a field trip to the real factory so that we could see how actually a reactor works instead of just learning it on the book. I don't think that by just sitting in the air conditioning room and scoring the questions could bring our level of understanding high. 


CPDICSince we are divided into 2 groups, my group unfortunately has far larger amount of students compared to the other group. I am hardly to see the words that lecturer wrote on the white board when I was sitting behind. I hope that we could get a bigger room to improve our learning environment. 


PSLP This subject is flooded with calculations and formula. I hope that more targeted questions or past year could be given so that we will be familiar with the calculations. 

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